《春风劲草》南洋年画展 Mood of Spring – Nanyang Spring Art Exhibition

《春风.劲草》南洋年画展 东方传统与南洋艺术的盛宴

南洋年画展是由中国文化中心与马来西亚草堂门金石书画会共同举办的一场文化盛会。作为2024龙年“欢乐春节”系列活动的首个项目,此次展览旨在向世界展示马来西亚华人美术的独特魅力和杰出成就。在这个全球华人所注重的迎新时刻,我们以这独特的东方文化艺术形式,精湛呈现了南洋地区丰富的多元文化和历史传统元素。 展览主题《春风劲草》旨在体现野草顽强般的艺术精神,还秉持中华文化的精髓,弘扬东方之书、画、篆刻艺术,推动起“南洋年画风”,同时促进中马文化交流与合作,为两国之间的友谊和艺术合作架起桥梁。画展旨吸推动东方艺术的发展,搭建文化桥梁。 南洋,历史底蕴厚重,人文资源丰富。马来西亚地处南洋腹地,集百家之长,文化多元融合。马来西亚华人书画语言丰富多样,艺术风格形神兼备;华人美术正是在这样的文化土壤中茁壮成长,吸收了南洋的灵感,以自己独特的艺术语言,展示出了深厚的艺术造诣。 马来西亚华人美术跨文化特性的发展历程,始终没有远离中国传统,又不忘创新,一直保持着对南洋画风的追求。这一执着可贵而难得,同时也体现了对文化传承的的坚守和责任担当。 “年画”主题展同时融入传统艺术与当代创新的碰撞呈现出独特的南洋风采。本次年画展汇集31位马来西亚杰出艺术家共同展出61幅年画,以庆祝农历新年为主要使命,积极引领 “家家贴年画” 的新风尚。 《精装版年画》是值得收藏的艺术家原大复制年画精品套装,新春多元性艺术IP赠品,也是大马佳节大礼包。特定作品页面可打开,自行挂件展示,形成仿真品的效果。展览将开辟市场上的新“需求”,增添艺术价值。 “春风得意马蹄疾,一日看尽长安花。” 这是一场传统新生艺术盛宴,南洋年画展之华章,春风劲草般的飨宴;一日漫游展廊,领略南洋年画美景,观者必将沐浴春风,沉醉于艺术之美。 MOOD OF SPRING Nanyang Spring Art Exhibition The Nanyang Spring Art Exhibition is a cultural extravaganza jointly organized by the “China Cultural Centre in Kuala Lumpur” and “Cao Tang Men Eastern Arts Society (Malaysia)”. As the inaugural event of the “Joyful Spring Festival” series for the Year of the Dragon in 2024, this exhibition aspires to present to the global audience the singular allure and outstanding accomplishments of Malaysian Chinese art. At this momentous time cherished by the global Chinese community, we present the rich and diverse cultural and historical elements of the Nanyang region through this unique form of Eastern cultural artistry. The exhibition theme seeks to embody the resilient artistic spirit of wild grass while upholding the essence of Chinese culture, promoting the arts of Chinese calligraphy, painting, and seal engraving. It aspires to foster the “Nanyang-style Painting,” facilitating cultural exchange and cooperation between China and Malaysia, thereby building bridges of friendship and artistic collaboration between the two nations. The art exhibition aims to propel the development of Eastern art and construct cultural bridges. Nanyang, with its rich historical heritage and abundant cultural resources, is situated in the heart of Southeast Asia. Malaysia, as a part of the Nanyang, represents a fusion of cultures and traditions. Malaysian Chinese art has thrived in this cultural milieu, drawing inspiration from the Nanyang region and expressing profound artistic accomplishments through its distinctive artistic language. The journey of Malaysian Chinese art with its cross-cultural characteristics has consistently remained connected to Chinese tradition while constantly embracing innovation and a pursuit of the Nanyang artistic style. This enduring commitment is not only commendable but also a testament to the dedication and responsibility of cultural heritage preservation. The “Nanyang Spring Art” themed exhibition combines the fusion of traditional art with contemporary innovation, presenting the unique essence of Nanyang. This Chinese painting exhibition brings together 31 outstanding Malaysian artists to display 61 Chinese paintings, primarily to celebrate the Chinese New Year, actively leading the trend of “household Chinese New Year Painting decoration.” The artbook “Mood of Spring” is a collectible set of premium reproductions of the artists’ original Chinese paintings, a multi-faceted New Year’s artistic IP package, and a grand Malaysian festive gift set. Individual pages dedicated to specific artworks can be opened, presenting themselves as authentic Chinese Paintings. The exhibition endeavors not only to stimulate market demands but also to elevate the inherent artistic worth. “With the refreshing spring breeze, the horse’s pace hastens, witnessing the blossoms of Chang’an in a day.” This exhibition is a traditional rebirth, an artistic feast; a chapter of the Nanyang Art Exhibition, akin to the vibrant growth of spring grass. A day spent wandering through the galleries, appreciating the beauty of masterpieces, will immerse the viewers in the beauty of art.

详情: 展出日期: 2023年11月30日至2024年1月4日(开放大众参观) 展出地点: 吉隆坡中国文化中心 展出时间: 星期一至六 10:00至16:00(星期日休) 开幕日期: 2023年11月29日(星期三) (受邀) 开幕时间: 上午十时正至十二时 大会开幕人:马来西亚数字通讯部副部长YB张念群
Exhibition Date: November 29, 2023 to January 4, 2024 (36 days) Venue: China Cultural Center, Kuala Lumpur Exhibition Hours: Monday to Saturday, from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM (Closed on Sundays) Opening Date: November 29, 2023 (Wed) 10:00 AM to 12:00 NOON
参展者需知: 布展时间 : 2023年11月27日(星期一);撤展时间 : 2024年1月4日(星期六)(展览结束当日)
开放大众节目: 展期间将备有“艺术家互动交流”环节,现场的“精装版年画”(复制年画/特刊)可签名,在开幕当天29日下午1时到1时20分。

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