
作品 :

媒介 : 彩墨,涂改液及印章
画心 : 32cmx14cm

价格 : RM1000 (画及印章一起)

Totoro Enjoying Plum Blossoms while having a Leisure in the Grass Field
Medium: Color ink, correction fluid, and seal
Canvas Size: 32cmx14cm
Price: RM1000 (Artwork and seal together)

作品简介 :

以年画小品, 与早期自制拙印相配。

These are small-scale traditional Chinese New Year paintings, complemented by self-made seals. The artist hopes that collectors can enjoy these New Year paintings during the Lunar New Year and also use the ceramic seals as leisure seal.

个人简历 :

专业广告设计师,。出生于马六甲,中学美术教育启蒙,自吴东升老师和陈信中老师,现师承谢忝宋老师和张财老师。2000年 毕业于吉隆坡专艺广告学院。职位包括:草堂门⾦⽯书画会策划主任、马来西亚书协会员

A professional advertising and graphic designer born in Malacca, Malaysia. A foundation in art education from secondary school. Under the guidance of teachers such as Goh Tong Seng and Tan Shin Tiong. The artist currently receives mentorship from Dr. Cheah Tian Song and Teacher Chong Choy. Graduated in 2000 from The ONE Academy. Positions held include Director of Planning at Cao Tang Men Eastern Art Society and a member of the Malaysian Chinese Calligraphy Association. The artist has also served as art and design director at various advertising agencies.

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