
艺术家名字/ Artist Name:朱绍瑛 SHIRLEY CHU SIOW ENG




“Year of Abundant Fish (b)”

Adorable little goldfish, lively and frolicking in the water—such is the essence of life!





资深画家朱绍瑛生於中国福建省莆田县黄石村,五岁随父母南迁马来西亚雪州定居。自幼醉心艺术,早年负极英、美、日、法、港、泰、研读时装设计裁缝并于吉隆坡茨厂街独资创办艺佳丽时装设计裁缝学院达27年,期间利用工余时间写字绘画才是她的最爱,并热心参与社会福利学校慈善、艺术团体等担任重要职位。于2011年获得雪州苏丹沙拉夫丁殿下册封热诚贡献社会服务勋章 (PJK)。

负笈中国美术学院-学士/ 硕士预科.主修花鸟及 写意山水系;于1998-2003, 师从陈向迅、张伟平、林海锺、何加林等中国美术学院课堂的资深教授。
启蒙老师: 锺正川教授及潘金海教授、书法启蒙老师有:张晓梅及王雅教授。
九次个展:1996, 1998,1999, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2017, 2022 及2023并出版9本个人画册专辑。
《作品历年对国内外无数入选 / 联展/ 拍卖 / 收藏》
; Shirley Chu was born in Hokkien province, China at age 5. She migrated to Malaysia with her parents. A brilliantly talented artist since young, Shirley devoted most of her adult life to the whirlwind world of fashion and was the Principal of < ITALY FASHION DESIGN AND DRESSMAKING INSTITUTE > for over 27 years.

Educational background:
– Fashion Designer and Art Painter.
– Master Degree Lesson, with China Academy of Art, The People’s Republic of China

Award and achievement
Grand Prize Winner with Asia Art Award 2005 by Korea Culture Art research Institute.
and Artwork Invited to participate in the International Group Art Exhibition since 1996-2023.
Year 2011 Received the PJK Medal Conferred by the Sultan of Selangor.
{Open Show 2014} The Runner-up Award in Chinese Ink painting hosted by National Visual Art Gallery Malaysia.
{Open Show 2018-2022} Winner. Hosted by Galeri Shah Alam Asean Chinese Outanding Artistic Contribution Award 2023. The Artwork also entered the auction company.

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