艺术家名字/ Artist Name: 叶又丹 YAP KWEE YIN (JUNE YAP)


2016 年, “旅游神魄”艺术摄影个展于槟城Gurney G Hotel。
2015年10及12月, 油画个展(爱) 于马来西亚及台湾。

近期参与重要艺术活动 :
2022年,Subin Muangchan 主办 “亚州绘画营”于泰国合艾,2023年 City Art Gallery 主办 “艺之桥”国际营于坡离市,等等。

作品收藏 :
马来西亚吉隆玻创价学会美术馆、中国云南钟正山美术馆、泰国Dhonburi Rajabhat University 大学美术馆、日本东京富士美术馆。

I have organized solo exhibitions for oil paintings and photography, such as:
• In 2016, I held the Photography “The Spirit of Journey”- G Gurney, Penang
• In October and December 2015, I organized a solo oil painting exhibition titled “To Love” in Malaysia and Taiwan.
• I have also participated in significant art events recently:
• In 2022, I took part in the “Asean Art Festival” in Hatyai Tailand. Organise by Subin Muangchan.
• In 2023, I participated in the “Art Bridge International Art Camp 2023” in Perlis, organise by City Art Gallery, among others.
My works are held in collections at various institutions:
• Soka Gakkai Malaysia – Art Gallery in Malaysia.
• Chung Chen Sun Art Museum Yunnan University in China.
• Dhonburi Rajabhat University art Gallery in Tailand.
• Tokyo Fuji Art Museum in Japan.